Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It's late. Don't judge.

So, like, what is the evolutionary advantage of the human nose? Like, what is the evolutionary reason that we are not all Voldemort's running around with two slits in our faces?

Or, better yet, if we came from monkeys, why don't we have monkey noses? What makes our nose evolutionarily superior to that of a monkey? Like, is it something about rain sliding off of it easier? Isn't that what are eyebrows are for...?

Guys, I seriously need to know the answer to this question. I can't sleep right now, and this is seriously why. Someone needs to answer this question for me.

I keep looking in the mirror, and the longer I spend staring at my nose, the less I understand why I have it. And the more I question whether I will ever be able to sleep again.

Only you can prevent wildfires.

The question is, does that unique ability have something to do with your nose?

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